How To Start An Organic Garden At Home

How to start an organic garden? You will get useful tips and tricks in this article


Organic foods are becoming popular nowadays. Also, many people begin to have their own organic garden at home. If you want to have a nice garden, Vkool will provide you with useful tips how to start an organic garden effectively at home.

How To Start An Organic Garden With Simple Methods

Having a lovely organic garden is so interesting. It not only supplies the healthy foods, but it also helps you improve your health when you have a good environment to breathe in the morning. Now keep reading this article thoroughly to get how to start an organic garden in your house.

1.Prepare Space

 The first thing you should do is to plan the proper space for your future organic garden and the budget you spend on this plan. If your space is not large enough, you can choose to plant some herbs in the boxes or pots from your house. Nowadays, many people in the big cities have a small garden in the small yard or on the terrace.

2.Prepare Soil

Soil provides nutrients to grow your plants. So it is very necessary to have healthy soil. If you choose the chemical soil, your plants may be harmful from it. To be sure that you are getting a good soil and test it by yourself. You should test your soil in the autumn to get the correct results.  

3.Prepare Compost

To have good compost , you may include bin or pen. You should add carbon material such as trimmings or leaves, and nitrogen material like manure or scarps in your kitchen; a thin layer of soil should be added between them. In order to keep moisture, you should spray water the compost regularly.

4. Prepare Right Plants

Selecting the right plants is one of the most decisive steps to have a wonderful garden. You should choose the plants that are easy to accommodate to soil, light, moisture, or drainage. You may grow the plants from seeds such as cucumbers, peas, squash, lupine, dill, coriander, etc. It is very important to choose the proper plants for each season because you will get the best effectiveness if your plants grow in the proper geography and the environment.

5.Get Experience

Is this the first time you start an organic garden? Probably you do not have enough experience of planting, but you can get experience from the farmers, friends, neighbors, or even from the network

6.Share With Your Friends

Normally, you have to buy the full package of the seeds. It is wasteful if your space is too small; therefore, you can share with your friends or neighbors to reduce the cost.

7.Create Space

Space here is the air between the plants. You should not plant them too close because they will not have enough air to grow fast.

8. Water Properly

To keep moisture, you should water the plants in the morning because it is very cool and does not include a lot of wind and you will not lose water when spraying to the plants. Moreover, watering in the evening will increase the risk of bacterial diseases and fungal. Additionally, to protect your plants, you should water them by the hands. Collected rainwater  is the best for your plant growth.

9.Protect Plants

 In reality, not all the organic gardens look perfect; they may get the damage from diseases or pests. Therefore, when growing plants, we always need to check if they have any problems or they are being damaged by pests  or not. Your plants may suffer from the diseases due to efficiency of moisture, nutrients, or light. It is so wonderful if your garden has insects like ladybugs or predators such as birds, bats, toads, frogs, and lizards. You may attract the insects by planting the blossoms such as dill, alyssum, marigold, cosmos, nasturtium, salvia, sunflower, zinnia, daisy, or yarrow, etc. To have healthy plants, you should not protect your plants by chemicals.

10.Keep Cleansing

It is very necessary to keep your garden clean. At least once a week, you should cleanse up the garden. Or after harvesting the plants, you should cleanse up your gardens and prepare for the new crops. You can pull the material in the ground, on the bonfire or in the woods. Also, you can avoid eroding for your soil if you use plant cover.

You have learned the useful tips and tricks how to start an organic garden at your home. To get more secrets on this subject, you may get Easy DIY Aquaponics program review at Vkool or if you have any question, please leave your comments below and I will respond to you soon. 

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